“What’s Next????”

That’s all I could ask myself that  Fall morning after concurrent life transitions blew up my comfortable, cozy existence. 

I was filled with the kind of existential questions we all face when the rug gets pulled out and our life story changes.

—--> Who am I now if I am no longer a wife?

—-->  Who am I now if I am no longer the parent of young children living at home?

—--> Who am I now if I am no longer a school counselor?

The floor of life fell out from under my feet after my husband passed away. I never knew such uncertainty, grief and confusion.

Adding to these ambiguous feelings was the fact that as my husband first wrestled with an unknown illness, I also retired from a life-defining career I loved for 32 years as a school counselor. 

My husband of 28 years passed a little over a year later and then, ten days after his funeral, I became an empty-nester…BAM!! The trifecta of change had taken me out of the game of life.

I began to wonder, “Is this it? Is this all there is? Where do I go from here and what does my life look like now that all of what I thought I knew about my world has changed?” I was officially lost.

“What’s next?” kept playing in my head, taunting me, daring me to think beyond all of the loss and change.

But each time I would simply answer with the knowing that I had to move forward. The truth was that I could keep floundering, swimming in a sea of uncertainty and loss or find a healthy way to transition into this “new” life.  Slowly,  I started to find my way through the fog of loss and change …one small decision at a time.

Along the way, through my healing journey and grief counseling, I discovered Nancy Levin, author, Master Coach and founder of Levin Life Academy,  who introduced me to Reinvention Coaching and her transformation equation, Change =vision+choice+action.

Through this transformation equation and coaching experience, I rediscovered who I am beyond the widow, the parent, and the school counselor.  I learned to get out of my head and listen clearly to my heart.  I discovered that I have a voice and experience to share in the world of loss and change!  

Through exploring my beliefs, developing personal boundaries, and re-discovering my self-worth I have found personal healing, renewed purpose, meaning, and actual joy again. 

The work made such an impact on my life, I decided to enroll and become a Levin Life Coach and help others struggling through their own life transitions.

If you are in the midst of a major life transition and unsure what is next for you, I’d love to help you discover the power of Reinvention Coaching.

Use my FREE downloadable ebook to get your journey towards your best life started!

  Schedule a complimentary Discovery session with me today to find your way back to YOU!!!

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable.
— Brene Brown